“Lanie is an energetic girl who discovers the world in her own backyard. Lanie loves science facts and wildlife and is definitely a girl with “outside genes,” but the rest of her family prefers to stay at home- and indoors! When her Aunt Hannah encourages her to start gardening, bird-watching, and camping in her own backyard, Lanie realizes outdoor adventure is all around her.” – AGPlaythings
I think Lanie’s pretty cool because she loves nature as much as I do. Her story’s pretty inspiring because I was born with “outside genes” just like Lanie. Last year I went to the New York Botanical Garden’s orchid show and Lanie and I loved it. Trouble is, the rest of her family was born with inside genes. But that doesn’t stop me and Lanie and I’m not worried about that because she and I can play outside together in my backyard. I could picture Lanie and me playing on the swings, making flower bouquets, and/or gardening.
Any girl or boy who cares so much about nature and wild animals is OK with me or Lanie. We can also picture climbing trees as high as we dare or playing in my tree house in my backyard. I fell in love with her books and her hammock so my parents and I decided to get a hammock for me in my backyard with a little patio table and patio umbrella. Sometimes I wonder if she and I can go camping hopefully soon.
When it comes to nature, insects, animals, taking care of the earth, and saving any wild animals who are in danger, the place to call on is the White Plains Public Library because they have books on nature, wild animals, taking care of the earth, recycling, and saving any wild animals who are in danger. As a nature girl I’m interested in all of these.
If you read the books Lanie and Lanie’s Great Adventures, you’ll find that she loves all those things. When it comes to saving endangered animals, monk seals are the ones that need a lot of help.
People say outside is much more relaxing than inside because you can have picnics or ride bikes. I love being outside and with nature.
About the author:
Isabelle is the inspiration for Yes She Can and the Girl AGain boutique. She is a trainee in the job skills development program. In May 2017, Izzie completed her first year at College Steps at Westchester Community College. She hopes to get a job at American Girl Place in NYC.