When American Girl, Felicity Merriman (1774), receives an invitation to a dancing lesson at the Governor’s Palace, she is over the moon. Not even Ben, her father’s apprentice can ruin it for her with his bitterness over the Governor’s British loyalist ways. Even better, her mother steps in and promises to make her a brand new beautiful blue velvet gown just for the event!
As the day of the dance lesson draws closer, Felicity becomes obsessed with the idea of Mother finishing her new dress in time. It’s enough that Ben accuses her of being selfish and vain. But Felicity doesn’t really care…until Mother falls ill from overworking herself. The gloom that falls upon home makes Felicity’s previous wishes of dancing and dresses seem shallow and foolish. But she is determined to set things right for her Mother, the woman who holds their family together with love, patience, and sacrifice.
Mothers can be the most important people in your life.
They care for you, work to make you happy, sometimes even at their own expense, and rarely ask for a thing in return. This Mother’s Day, show your mother how much you appreciate her with a beautiful picture frame created by you!
Come to Girl AGain to purchase a Mother’s Day Memory Picture Frame Kit $10 each. And while you’re here, check out our many books, dolls, and other fun things at the store, ready to purchase.
Lesli says
An important story and blog post about the value of our relationships. Thanks for sharing Colleen!
And, I’ve seen the Mother’s Day Memory Picture Frame Kits and they are so cute!