Molly is having a fun summer vacation at Camp Gowonagin. The plot of her summer story thickens when the camp announces it’s annual Color War, an extreme game of Capture the Flag that takes place on the island near the campsite. The supplies she needs includes her blue armband, signaling which team she is on, her canoe oar, a silver whistle on a red thread cord, a can full of worms and other creepy-crawlies, and a letter to her dad, along with a photo of her and her campmates covered in splotches. If you want to find out how the bugs help her win Color War, or why she looks so splotchy in the picture, read Molly Saves the Day: A Summer Story.
For a regular camp day, Molly carries her situpon pouch with the camp logo on it. Inside, it holds a set of pots and pans to cook food over an open fireplace, a red flashlight, a compass, and a green shoulder bag to carry anything that might not fit in her situpon.
This collection includes:
- Blue armband
- Canoe oar
- Silver whistle on cord necklace
- Fake tin can
- Fake bugs and worms
- Letter from Molly to Dad
- Envelope
- Photograph
- Vinyl situpon pouch
- Newspaper from 1945
- Pots & pans
- Flashlight
- Compass
- Shoulder bag
Price includes shipping