Don’t Miss Out on our Animal Sale! By trainees Mara, Izzie and Sarah Guess what? For the Animal Sale happening this week at Girl Again, the trainees made 50 surprise bags for customers who purchase a discounted animal sold during the sale. Getting ready for the sale took work. Some trainees thought it was challenging […]
Girl AGain Honors Juneteenth
Melody Ellison’s story: The year is 1965. Ten-year-old Melody Ellison is doing a special project for school. For her history project, she is going to talk to her class about the Civil War. With the Civil Rights movement gaining traction, she figures now is the perfect time to educate her class on the history of […]
New Things in the Spring
For many people, springtime means more than just sunny weather and flowers. It symbolizes new beginnings, new hopes for the year ahead, for happiness after a long, dreary winter. For our Historical Dolls, it also means another thing-it means birthdays! Most of the AG Historical Characters celebrate their birthdays in the spring. In their books, […]
Addy’s Sentimental Quilt by Colleen O.
Addy has a lot to be excited about. The Civil War is over, slavery has been abolished, and her whole family-her mother and father, her big brother Sam and her little sister Esther-are back together again after over a year of being scattered apart. Best of all, her parents have decided that now they are […]
Valentine’s Day at Girl AGain by Mackenzie H.
Every year around this time at the store, talk turns to Valentine’s day. The excitement is in the air! I love this time of year! It inspires a certain type of creativity, one of pink and red, declarations of love, (of all types). No matter your age, you can celebrate the day by celebrating the […]